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Jane’s Dancing Hands Write Dance Open Special Event

  • The Dennis and Phillip Ratner Museum 10001 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, MD, 20814 United States (map)

Write Dance Open a Jane’s Dancing Hands mini Retreat & Special Event

It’s more than just one dancing prayer. It’s the seed, rings, tree, light, and the energy of pura vida & Source dancing within and through you — you as life’s joyful impulse, growing in new ways while lovingly held, nurtured, and supported.

The Skinny
3:00 - 3:15 Intro
3:15 - 3:30 mini write
3:30 - 4:30 JDH Quanta blend 4:30 - 4:40 break
4:40 - 5:50 write/share
5:50 prep for supper
5:55 - 6:45 potluck supper 6:50 - 8:30 JDH Circle
8:30 - 9:00 final share

It’s time for us all to grow up and out together. 

The world is rocking. The evolution is here and here and here, (she says pointing to her solar plexus, her heart, her throat.) Great things are being asked of us like never before. We know this. Many have been sitting back waiting for direction. Others have been very busy trying to “figure it all out.” We’ve been talking about this in every Dancing Hands Circle all around the planet. The pyramid scheme of stepping on the feet or shoulders of others to get a piece of the sun, to be heard, or to be recognized as the one, is old school, friends. It was a lovely school and we have many sweet memories, but it’s go time to get off your meditation cushion and actively work with all the gifts laid out before you. You may want to retire those jobs or habits that don’t create your happy, but you are also ripe to take up the pen and rewrite and dance in this new chapter in your Book of Life.

Where are you in the spring of your life? Seeds, roots setting, branching out? Or perhaps the buds bursting forth? Feel in...
This new Dancing Hands Retreat is the beginning of a series of retreats that Jane is beginning Spring 2018 as a new seed planting in a wildflower field of visions and circles that began 25 years ago. With exercises from the original circles in the Santa Monica Mountains to her She’Island online collaboration and on Hawaii Island honoring each of our places on the map, as well as opening wide to the journey to come, we will not only work with “story” as we trek into the retreat, but during the retreat we will write and dance with the dreams and visions that may begin poring in from Source from the beginning of your YES to this adventure.
See the schedule above for a broad outline of the day and know that within this weave there will be a JDH Quanta and a Jane’s Dancing Hands Circle to help nurture, lovingly support and expand your own connection to purest Source energy so that you may continue on in the expansion long after this retreat.

Included in this day is our joyful potluck supper, as we’ve found when we share from the bounty of our thoughtfully prepared foods and beverages we invest more deeply with how we can nurture one another better and in turn be so nurtured. These offerings can be from the most simply made bowls of fruit to dishes that support many dietary needs and dreams. In an extra layer of preparation before the retreat, your hands and heart are already focusing on healthy sustenance and sharing with and for the greater good.

For this day:

✦ Dress comfortably to move
✦ Bring a yoga mat or blanket to lie upon (and maybe another to keep you cozy
✦ Bring a water bottle
✦ Bring a dish or drink for the potluck (and let
Marni or Jeannie know what you are bringing)
✦ Bring your most open ♥️ heart!

When you register you may begin to feel the energy beginning, so if you are so moved, please keep track of and journal anything that
seems to relate to this new story emerging for you and bring this, too!

Looking forward to our collective expansion and all the joy to come working and dancing shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart.
Peace and love to all